Flora has been to stay at the vetinary clinic for the day and been spayed. This is just to make sure she will not be having pups in the future. I expected a peaceful evening when I picked her up, thinking she may be a little under the weather after having an anaesthetic with her op. but Noooooo. she dragged the poor nurse across the clinic to greet me, trying to jump and play with an unsuspecting dog waiting to see the vet.  hahaha oh dear.
              Here is a photo of her with her daisy hat on, showing off her scar, which was absolutely beautifully done, hardly anything to see.  So now, this has been done, and she is fit and well,  the day for her to be leaving us is getting closer. Another sad day, but a good day for a blind or partially sighted person. Providing she makes the rest of the training, but she has a lot of potential, so fingers crossed for her.