e.mail:   libzownart@hotmail.co.uk
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News of Flora.

Posted by Elizabeth Lamb on Tuesday, June 17, 2014, In : News of Flora 
We recently had some news of Flora. She went off to 'Big School' and was doing very well, but after a while her trainer Richard, noticed that she was turning to him more for encouragement when going on to the busy London buses and trains. He let us know  how she was going and what they had tried to give her more confidence, but as the weeks went on, she started to get more stressed about leading into a situation and after talking, they decided it was not in her best interest to continue as it...
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Posted by Elizabeth Lamb on Thursday, November 14, 2013, In : Guide dog, puppy walking 
Flora has been to stay at the vetinary clinic for the day and been spayed. This is just to make sure she will not be having pups in the future. I expected a peaceful evening when I picked her up, thinking she may be a little under the weather after having an anaesthetic with her op. but Noooooo. she dragged the poor nurse across the clinic to greet me, trying to jump and play with an unsuspecting dog waiting to see the vet.  hahaha oh dear.
              Here is a photo of her with her daisy ...
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