e.mail:   libzownart@hotmail.co.uk
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Showing Tag: "pet" (Show all posts)

News of Flora.

Posted by Elizabeth Lamb on Tuesday, June 17, 2014, In : News of Flora 
We recently had some news of Flora. She went off to 'Big School' and was doing very well, but after a while her trainer Richard, noticed that she was turning to him more for encouragement when going on to the busy London buses and trains. He let us know  how she was going and what they had tried to give her more confidence, but as the weeks went on, she started to get more stressed about leading into a situation and after talking, they decided it was not in her best interest to continue as it...
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New Baby.

Posted by Elizabeth Lamb on Tuesday, December 17, 2013, In : Crystal new GD pup 
We have lost Flora, she has gone onto Big School. She is settled in and we have received a couple of phone calls from her new trainer Richard, reassuring us. It is hard when they leave home  :((  We have now got our next bundle of trouble, a little yellow Labrador / G.Retriever  cross. called Crystal.  who took to Flora straight away, and decided she was obviously her surrogate Mum. She had 4 days of fun with her before she left us.
The first photo of Crystal looks like butter wouldn't melt i...
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News of Zola

Posted by Elizabeth Lamb on Saturday, August 3, 2013, In : News of Zola 
I have just received some photographs from Holland, showing Zola with her new family and the lady she is paired with. I spent the whole afternoon in tears. I know, it is silly, she is doing a great job, and I am immensely proud of her, but there you go, silly me.  She has made a great difference to the lady, and is doing very well.
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Flora and Rosie

Posted by Elizabeth Lamb on Friday, March 8, 2013, In : Guide dog, puppy walking 
Flora has been out and about now with her new jacket on, People tend to notice it more than the flash on her lead, so are more aware and tend not to rush up to pet her. She looks very posh and struts down the road.
This week Flora  went on the bus for the first time. I did expect her to be a bit concerned about all the rattling but she took no notice and took it all in her stride, even when we got off and the air brakes went. We had a lovely run when we got off, met lots of other dogs, and go...
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